Having arrived at this page we hope you are interested in applying for membership of our club, as you may have realised there are many and varied activities available and a friendly atmosphere.

You may have a friend or neighbour who are members already, if so ask one of them to introduce you. They can bring you to the club and sign you in as a guest. This would give you a feel for the club, if you are still interested in joining please collect an application form from the bar.

The other option is to download the form available on this site. You will require a proposer and seconder. The proposer has to be a member of Ottershaw Social Club the seconder has to be a committee member.

When your application form is submitted you will be given a copy, this extends a temporary membership until you receive an invitation to join. Please keep the copy as you may be asked for it. This will let you make use of the premises until you are a member. As a temporary member you will not be able to sign in any guests.

When you are invited to become a member you will meet the membership secretary with a couple of committee members to welcome you, and give you an insight into how we keep the club running.

The current annual subscription is £35 payable in January, with a joining fee of £15.


Download Application Form